วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

10 Gallon Aquarium - Set it Up Right

10 gallon aquariums need to be set up in exactly the same way as you would if the tank was a much larger one.  If you want the fish that you buy to place in a 10 gallon aquarium to survive, then the first thing you need to do is actually create the right kind of environment for them first.

In a 10 gallon aquarium you have the choice of keeping either freshwater or tropical saltwater fish in them, as you would in much larger size aquariums.  But whatever the size of aquarium you have, you need to follow the same principles when it comes to setting one up.  In this article we are going to explain what it is you need to do if you choose to set up a freshwater 10 gallon aquarium.

10 Gallon Aquarium - Things To Do First When Setting One Up

The first thing you need to do as soon as you get your  aquarium home is clean it well.  Yes the glass may look clean but there will still be some dirt, dust and other contaminants on it.  Use a small amount of detergent mixed into some water to scrub your aquarium out thoroughly.

After washing with the detergent mixture, you now need to rinse the aquarium out thoroughly.  Do this several times to help remove the debris and also to make sure that none of the detergent residue is left behind.

After cleaning the aquarium, now you need to spend time cleaning the equipment which is going to be placed into it.  Again you need to rinse each piece of equipment that you have cleaned thoroughly to remove detergent residue and debris.  Even the smallest amount of detergent left in a newly cleaned 10 gallon aquarium tank or its equipment can prove detrimental to the health of fish and marine life in the tank, in fact it could lead to some or all of them dying.

Before you put any gravel into your  aquarium, again make sure that is washed thoroughly.  The easiest way of doing this is to place it in a large colander, and then place under a running tap and allow it to wash over the gravel for some time.  If you intend to put any plants (fresh or plastic) into an aquarium (no matter what size), you should place them in a bucket of clean freshwater and leave them in situ until you are ready to put them into the aquarium.

10 Gallon Aquarium - Other Things To Do When Setting It Up

Before you do put all the equipment into your aquarium, it is a good idea to test if it is leaking.  This can be done easily just by filling it with water and then monitoring it for several hours.  If it isn't leaking, then drain the water away and you can now start on the setting up process for real.

After you have filled the aquarium with the gravel and filtration system (which can be situated on the side of the tank or under the gravel, fill it with dechlorinated water.  If you are unsure that the water you are using does not contain chlorine, then mix a chlorine remover into it first.  Make sure you use the correct dosage as instructed by the manufacturer of this product.

In order to avoid disturbing the aquarium gravel which you have placed into your  aquarium, place a dish on top of it, and then pour the water you are putting into the tank on to the dish rather than directly onto the gravel.  Do this very slowly and then remove the dish once you have filled the 10 gallon aquarium completely.

aquarium equipment saltwater tanks

