Once you have installed your fish tank aquarium you you will want to take pleasure in your new hobby. Taking care of your new fish tank aquarium is fairly easy, nevertheless a number of problems may appear, particularly in newly set up aquariums. It all may look perfectly OK for a short while then bit by bit algae begins to grow and overtake the aquarium, the fish start to get sick and die and your newly set up tank no longer looks like the aquariums in the pictures. How did this happen? Why did this happen? What went so drastically wrong? What can you do to correct it?
Please don't panic and absolutely do not rush off to the nearest aquarium supplier, buy remedies and toss them in the aquarium. This will only compound the problems! Something else that novice fish keepers are inclined to do in a panic is to thoroughly clean out the tank to start again. This is completely wrong as the useful bacteria in the tank will be tossed out as well and you will have to recycle the tank again.
You really need to find out what is wrong and slowly correct it, without chemical treatments which could change the tank's delicate balance even more.
High Concentrations of Deadly Chemicals
The worse occurrence is the sudden death of your fish. Are you sure the tank was cycled properly before you added the fish? The most common cause of fish dying suddenly is high concentrations of nitrites or ammonia from the fish's waste products. You will need to use a fish tank test kit to properly check if this is the problem. If proper cycling of the tank wasn't carried out there will be insufficient nitrogen fixing bacteria to cope with with these toxic chemicals, especially if you have a crowded tank. Do you have too many fish in the tank? This will overwork the bacteria that are dealing with the waste and lead to an increase in the levels of ammonia and nitrite.
Bullying Fish
Do you have a good combination of species in the aquarium? A few fish can be OK when young but can become bullies when mature. Tiger barbs are notorious for being bullies. Any bullying fish should be taken out and given away!
Lack of Water Changes
Has the water been partially changed often enough? Although nitrites and ammonia are processed by the beneficial bacteria, they convert these into the less toxic nitrates. However nitrates are not completely non toxic. When the levels of nitrates increase too much they can damage the fish and they must be removed by doing a partial water change.
Adding Chlorine Contaminated Water
Tap water always contains chlorine which is easily dealt with by leaving the water standing for a few days. Some authorities also add chloramines which you can't remove so easily. If your tap water does contain chloramines, or you don't know, you should add a chemical treatment to deal with them them before adding the water to the fish tank.
Overfeeding The Fish
Overfeeding is a widespread problem and results in uneaten, food rotting. This then releases deadly chemicals that put an extra burden on the bacteria. The effect is an abrupt increase in these chemicals that can harm the fish. When you are feeding your tropical fish ensure you Do not give them more than they can clear up in roughly 3 minutes. If you can see food collecting on the the gravel you have overfed them!